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Making An Eight Loop Bow

Info about the The eight loop bow is great if you want a little tiny something somewhere with a lot of punch for a small amount of work


Ribbon of any kind
Thread to match ribbon
Hair clip or pin backing, optional


Choosing Your Materials

In our example, we are going to use organza ribbon, but it could be any kind of ribbon – satin, lace or whatever you can find. It is all about your desire.

Cutting the Ribbon

For our sample bow, we are going to use the organza ribbon. This bow uses eight loops per bow. So, to start off, for our sample bow we are going to use ten inch ribbons and we need eight ribbons for one bow. In addition, we need to cut small strips to cover the center of the bow which will be used to cover up the stitches in the center of the bow. You will need one of these strips for each bow you plan to make.
Assembling the Bow

Take one of the ten ribbons that you cut and make a loop with the ends overlapping each other. That will be one of the centers of the loop. Holding those two overlapping ends together, stretch the ribbon out and hold it in the fingers of your other hand. Take the side that you are holding in your second hand and match it up to the overlapping ends. This will create a mini bow. Hold the center point of this mini bow in two fingers, stitch through the whole thing and pull the needle through gathering the center of the bow. Tie it off. Do the same with the other strips until you have eight loops or mini-bows.

Place one gathered mini bow on top of and perpendicular to the first one making sure that the raw end is facing down so that the bows form a cross. Sew through the center point of both. Keep adding and sewing down the gathered mini-bows on top of the others changing the direction of each bow slightly until all eight of the loops have been used. Sew through the whole pile each time another one is added. Each time you add a bow, make sure the side of the bow with the raw edge is facing down so that it cannot be seen.

Using thread that matches the organza or ribbon will make the stitches practically invisible.