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How to add a Ruched Piece to a Sports Bra

Do you have an old sports bra that you want to spice up? Then, this might be the video for you. I’m going to teach you how to take a top you already have and add some mesh on it to giving it a different, unique look so you can get two tones. You can use the same color, or any other fabric besides lace. Let’s begin!


  1. Scissors
  2. Needle
  3. Thread
  4. Sports Bra
  5. Fabric
  6. Marker


  1. Pin Fabric Over Top and Trace

The fabric that you will use to trace is not the actual fabric you are going to use for finished piece. You can use old fabric for this part. I will be using a piece of an old shirt in this video. I will begin by placing the fabric over the top, pinning it down and tracing around one side of the entire bra. This will be the side where you will ruche the final material.

  1. Create the Pattern

Now that you have traced the sports bra, you can remove the fabric from the person or mannequin. Cut out the shape from the fabric. You don’t have to cut right on the line, it’s better give it a seam allowance during this step. If you want a quarter of an inch use that, here I am going to go with a half an inch. Now take pattern paper or fabric and place under the cut out fabric you just did. The already cut fabric you will cut into half inch strips. Towards the top don’t cut all the way through. Now take those pieces and spread them apart about a half inch in between each strip over the other fabric. I am going to freehand cut, but you might want to trace first. It depends what you are comfortable with. Now you will have the final fabric piece.

  1. Pleat and Sew

Place the pattern piece back over the sports bra and begin to pin it down. I am going to pin down the areas where it should be sewn. I suggest to hand stitch the fabric down so the stitches do not show. I’m beginning by tucking the bra into the neck and backside of the sports bra and pinning it down. Make sure the center, front piece is folded, and facing inwards. After that, take the pins and pleat the fabric facing down. Place pins by each pleated area. Do the same to the backside making sure to go the same direction. You can easily double or triple the amount of gathers you want by adding extra length to the pattern but do not add extra width.

And now you have a new cute look for your old top!ins or other fun stuff and put that across the top of the bustle. Just take a look at it, see what you have and play around with everything to create a unique look that you like.