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Creating A Simple Flower Out Of Fabric

Info about the This flower is just what it is called – simple. The main reason you might want to use this flower is that is not as tight and moves a lot and shows a lot of movement in your dancing. If you put it by your face or any other place you might want to call attention to, this is a great little flower for that.


Thread to match the fabric
Straight pins
Scissors or clippers


Choosing Your Materials

Choose the fabric of your choice. It could be the same fabric as your costume, match or coordinate with your costume.

Cutting the Fabric
You will want to end up with several sizes of petals. So, start by cutting the largest size and work down. We need a number of petals of different sizes. If you find that the flower you are making is too small or too large, cut extra petals as necessary. For our sample, we started with a piece of fabric that is about three inches square. Fold the fabric in half and then in half again, in other words in quarters. Use your finger and thumb to hold the folded corner. Starting in the folded corner down by thumb, cut all the layers in the shape of a teardrop. Unfold the teardrop and you will see a petal with four projections. Looking at this petal, it does not seem large enough so we will cut a few more squares that are both a little larger and a little smaller than three inch square. That will give us a number of different size petals. We will need about five petals for the flower. Once you have the petals, pile them on top of each other keeping the centers in line starting with the largest on the bottom and working up to the smallest on top.

Sewing the flower

From the front, insert your needle through the middle of the centers and sew through all the layers. Fold the flower in half and sew in and out about a quarter inch down a few times. Open it up and fold it in half in the opposite directions and sew in and out about a quarter inch down several times. Then, fold it in half again so that it is in quarters. Hold it in your hand and sew in and out of the bottom. Move around the base sewing in and out from different directions creating a pinched effect on the bottom. Turn it over and you have your first flower.

If you wish, you could make the different petals in different colors. Have fun experimenting with these flowers.